Consultants can assist NDIS clients.
Consultants utilise the 26 Brain Gym® movements and other Brain Gym® procedures in a specific 5 step balancing process to lead you to achieve your goals. Brain Gym® is the foundation of the Educational Kinesiology program and gives a range of options to meet the needs of the individual.
A private session will allow you to experience Brain Gym®/Edu-K at a very personal level, focusing on a specific goal, and typically lasts 1-2 hours. The process you will experience, called a “balance,” is complete when you feel and demonstrate noticeable improvements in your goal-related learning and performance abilities. The intention is that each time you then approach your goal, it becomes easier and easier for you to accomplish.
All Consultants are currently licensed to teach Brain Gym® 101.
Start the rest of your life by contacting one of the Consultants below.