Faculty At Work Courses

These are accredited Brain Gym® courses. You can ask a Faculty member to tailor a course for your needs.

Faculty At Work Courses

These courses are designed for professional members and other people who have completed Brain Gym®101.

181 Faculty at Work (FW) 4 hours – Observe the experts at work! A Brain Gym® Faculty member creates individual courses for members. There will be opportunities to watch, give, and/or receive Edu-K balances, ask questions, and refine techniques. This class can be face-to-face, online, or a hybrid.

Pre-requisite: usually Brain Gym® 101; see individual courses.


182 Faculty at Work (FW) 8 hours– Get the answers directly from the experts, the Brain Gym® Faculty. This day-long course may include balances, discussion, and paired practicing of techniques. This class can be face-to-face, online or a hybrid of the two.

Pre-requisite: usually Brain Gym® 101; see individual courses.


302 Faculty at Work In Depth (FWID) 8 hours– Go deeper with the Seven Dimensions of Intelligence! This is a customized day-long course that may include balances, discussion, paired practicing and more. The format may be face-to-face, online or a hybrid of the two.

Pre-requisite: Edu-K In Depth (301).

Currently Scheduled FAW Courses in Australia

FAW - OBO In Depth 4 Hours + 2 Hours Practice

27th October 2025

Location: Malua Bay NSW Contact: Julie Steedman
Fee: $200

Take a deep dive into the OBO Manual and get a deeper understanding of this amazing course.

We will have a 2 Hour Practice time after the class.

Faculty Member/Contact

Julie Gunstone
0414 963 232

FAW - Double Doodle Play In Depth 4 Hours + 2 Hours Practice

28th October 2025

Location: Malua Bay NSW Contact: Julie Steedman
Fee: $200

Take a deep dive into the DD Play Manual and get a deeper understanding of this amazing course.

We will have a 2 Hour Practice time after the class.

Faculty Member/Contact

Julie Gunstone
0414 963 232