
What our clients say


We receive many comments about Brain Gym® results. The comments are listed under 3 headings:

  • Academic benefits for all Ages
  • Emotional Stability
  • Energy and Alertness

Please see some of the feedback below:-

Academic Benefits For All Ages

Amazing classroom tool

In over twenty years of teaching infants/primary school children, one of the most amazing ‘tools’ I have used in my classroom has been Brain Gym® exercises. In my class of children aged five to seven, many students were unsettled, stressed and angry. Consequently, many were experiencing learning difficulties and displaying very challenging and disruptive behaviour. After introducing daily Brain Gym® exercises, the results have been amazing. Many of the parents have commented how their children are progressing in many different areas including coordination, balance and confidence. Parents are telling me that their children are much happier and will even do the Brain Gym® exercises at home to help themselves to relax and cope with challenging situations. One particular grade two student was experiencing difficulties with her reading and writing, was putting a lot of pressure on herself, was often very tired and was finding it difficult to relax. After three or four sessions with a local instructor/consultant, this student’s reading and writing improved greatly and she has greater confidence in herself. She has transformed from a little girl who was often upset by the ‘smallest things’, to a happy child who is so much more energetic and confident in herself and her abilities.


Improve self confidence and concentration

Brain Gym® is a simple yet very powerful ‘tool’ and it can really make a difference in children’s learning and behaviour. I would highly recommend it to other teachers and parents.”“I use Brain Gym® with my students and it greatly improved their concentration and focus on their lessons. On a personal level, the greatest success I’ve had is with my own daughter. A reluctant reader and a quiet student, Brain Gym® has been instrumental in greatly increasing her self-confidence. She has improved in all academic areas and is a happier child. I strongly recommend Brain Gym® to all.”

Joanne, Teacher

Learning improvements

Someone who couldn’t get started in one class chose a goal ‘to work faster.’ After some Brain Gym® he did the task easily. Brain Gym® is not just for the ‘slow learners’. A challenge for an academically bright student led to the goal to’ concentrate on my work when somebody sits next to me.’ He chose six movements he needed to achieve his goal. Another bright student’s goal was to’ hear the teacher clearly.’ A quick Listening balance and Thinking Caps and he was much more settled and able to do the learning task.

Class Teacher

Reading Development

A Brain Gym consultant led my 7 year old boy through a series of actions for his goal “to be a fantastic reader”. They included reading, understanding syllables, sounding words, and sight vocabulary test, all of which needed help. He wasn’t concentrating, couldn’t keep still and really didn’t want to read a couple of pages. Immediately after the balance he went to the library shelf, selected a picture book, and read the whole book willingly and happily. He was concentrating and not wriggling. He didn’t want to stop reading. My husband and I were speechless with amazement at the difference they had witnessed within half an hour!

One very happy Mum

Writing Skills

One of my students is a bright boy, who was reading at grade 5 level, but writing very poorly. After he used Lazy 8’s and Alphabet 8’s during class for about 4 weeks, the difference was significant. At the beginning of the school year, he had consistently made inappropriate choices of upper and lower case letters. Four weeks of Brain Gym later, his upper and lower case choices were perfect, the overall neatness and clarity of his work were excellent. Perhaps most importantly, before using the Brain Gym, he did not enjoy writing because it was such a struggle for him and did not come naturally. After the 4 weeks, he was eager to write because he could actually express himself in writing with ease.

AF year 2 teacher

Educational Improvement

One of my 10 year old clients that I have been working with since the summer made the honour roll! I am so jazzed! A new 8 year old client is also doing very well. The day after his first balance, the mom called to tell me that her son has never finished a timed math fact test. She said the day after his balance he finished the timed math fact test for the first time, with 20 seconds to spare and only got one wrong. 2 weeks later she told me he is getting A’s on his spelling and science tests instead of D’s and F’s.

GK Instructor/Consultant

Better Behaviour and Attention

I started using PACE every day with my primary school age pupils, plus specific Brain Gym® movements depending on the particular challenges of individual children.  With one boy, Daniel, the school was concerned at his disruptive behaviour and inability to maintain attention.   I taught him PACE and some specific Brain Gym movements and their intention / benefits.  After some days he decided, independently of any suggestion from anyone, to switch his hand for writing.  The curious thing is that Daniel switched from left hand preference to right hand preference for writing, which is the opposite way around to what we might  commonly experience.  Nevertheless, very quickly after making this self-elected change, his attention and behaviour transformed  markedly and he is now one of the most balanced, attentive and  well-behaved students in the class!

RG Teacher

Academic benefits for all ages

One Brain Gym® instructor worked with a little boy who was exhibiting autistic-like behavior: He is now talking in sentences and can carry on a conversation, etc. It took about two weeks of Footflex. He was helping to bathe his 2-month old sister and said, “You want to talk don’t you, do this,” and he moved her little foot with Footflexes.

MM Instructor/Consultant

Faster Learning

My senior classes love the Brain Gym® movements.  They start each lesson with PACE and choose Brain Gym exercises from a list I have taught them.  We have also done a Positive Attitude balance and a Listening Balance with terrific results.  The students feel far more confident in aural lessons than ever before…they also learned to sing a 5-part very difficult vocal work (male and female) in 20 minutes the other day. -fantastic!            It is pleasing to note that the students are very confident with the exercises as other teachers are also using them in their classrooms.

My junior classes have been asking about the exercises (as they see the seniors doing and talking about them) so they actually nagged me to teach them too.  Now THEY ASK to do the exercises each lesson. It is working wonderfully for the two special needs students in my class – and they enjoy doing it!

A high school music teacher

Better focus

After participating in the first two days of the Brain Gym®101 course, I practised PACE, especially the Crosscrawls. I sipped water and did Brain Gym to keep myself focussed. I did lots of Lazy 8s and Owl when I felt my energy was not flowing. I astounded my TAFE lecturer by completing three TAFE modules in one week. Several months later and I’ve got into Deakin.


Emotional Stability

Amazing classroom tool

In over twenty years of teaching infants/primary school children, one of the most amazing ‘tools’ I have used in my classroom has been Brain Gym® exercises. In my class of children aged five to seven, many students were unsettled, stressed and angry. Consequently, many were experiencing learning difficulties and displaying very challenging and disruptive behaviour. After introducing daily Brain Gym® exercises, the results have been amazing. Many of the parents have commented how their children are progressing in many different areas including coordination, balance and confidence. Parents are telling me that their children are much happier and will even do the Brain Gym® exercises at home to help themselves to relax and cope with challenging situations. One particular grade two student was experiencing difficulties with her reading and writing, was putting a lot of pressure on herself, was often very tired and was finding it difficult to relax. After three or four sessions with a local instructor/consultant, this student’s reading and writing improved greatly and she has greater confidence in herself. She has transformed from a little girl who was often upset by the ‘smallest things’, to a happy child who is so much more energetic and confident in herself and her abilities.


Overcoming separation anxiety in early childhood

Fear came up in the first Brain Gym® session for a child who ran away from school.  Other sessions worked around the feeling of insecurity, the tight chest and other ‘weird’ feelings, and goals such as ‘being brave and meeting my challenges’. She often would not leave her mother to enter the classroom but after a goal ’ to feel happy to go into the classroom’, she was able to do this confidently, which was extremely pleasing for all concerned.


Classroom behaviour

The bully said he’ wasn’t thinking properly’ at the beginning. Six sessions with the bully with much drinking of water and repatterning and the anger and annoyance was dissolving. Goals included: ‘talking to a teacher appropriately’, ‘to care for myself’, ‘to think before I do things’, ‘to work sensibly around other people’, ‘to keep my hands to myself’.


Anger management

One 12 year old boy drew his whole body filled with anger. After a Dennison Laterality Repatterning and Positive Attitude balance he only drew his arms filled with anger. After Double Doodles and more Hook-ups the boy felt he was free of that anger. Several goals have been done about enjoying and concentrating on his school work. He had nine Brain Gym® sessions in two months, was often not in PACE and because of the emotional challenges at home he was not in a space to be able to do this consistently. However he  noticed he was completing things on time. Many students need much  support to achieve their goals in a safe environment.

Well-being Coordinator

Better work and happier

8 year old Joel is a quiet child who has been tested for ADD /ADHD and depression. His mother brought him to me last week, saying that he was frequently sad and despondent, and hates school.  During his first session, we did Dennison Laterality Repatterning, and he began to smile. He sat thoughtfully for a moment, and said “I have never felt like this before!  It’s quiet in my brain and I can think!  This is so cool.”

The next day his mother called to say that he told her he was feeling happier. She said it was a relief to her, and that her son’s happiness is the best Mother’s Day gift she could receive.   It is so satisfying to share this amazing work with people.  It may look very simple sometimes, using just the right movements at the right times and restoring the whole brain functioning in a way that can change someone’s life.  I am grateful to be doing this beautiful work.

Rose   Brain Gym® Instructor/Consultant

Energy and Alertness

Enhanced concentration

After participating in the first two days of the Brain Gym®101 course, I practised PACE, especially the Crosscrawls and did lots of Lazy 8s and Owl when I felt my energy was not flowing. I astounded my TAFE lecturer by completing three TAFE modules in one week. Enhanced concentration

Adult TAFE student

Improves relaxation and boosts energy

I cannot express enough how pleased I am that I participated in all 4 learning days of Brain Gym®101. When I arrived home Friday night I burst in the back door feeling so relaxed and energised: something I have not felt for many years.


Energy and Alertness

After participating in the first two days of the Brain Gym®101 course, I practised PACE, especially The Cross Crawl and did lots of Lazy 8s and The Owl when I felt my energy was not flowing. I astounded my TAFE lecturer by completing three TAFE modules in one week.

Adult TAFE student

More engagement

I have a doubting-Thomas of a parent – her daughter has been in therapy since she was born – about 11 years.  After working with her child today, I was chatting with Mom for about a half an hour, during which time her daughter had nothing to do.  The daughter started becoming unfocused without something to engage her mind and body.  I mentioned to the mom about drinking water and its benefits.  Of course, as usual, this mom immediately poo-pooed the idea as having any credence.  We called her daughter over to us and she immediately slouched heavily against Mom, stared into space, and wasn’t able to answer any of our questions.  I had her mom give her some water and all of a sudden there was this energetic child again – she stood up straight, not needing to lean against mom anymore. She no longer was staring off into space but focused instead on her mom – and she started engaging her mom in conversation.  Prior to the water we couldn’t get her to give clear answers to our questions.  It was truly powerful for this mom to see that, and for me to be able to help her notice the changes before and after in her daughter after just drinking some water!


More Focus

I have a 17 year old daughter who at age 5 came home from school and excitedly told me she was having a hard time with math that day, so she did The Cross Crawl under her desk and the answer came to her immediately. Over the years she has been in and out of doing Brain Gym and had even told me at one point it didn’t help. Well, the past couple months she had been getting more tired and fuzzy in the head. I said, “Far be it from me to mention doing some Brain Gym’… and she said, ‘Yeah Mom,’ and went and took a nap. I came home from work one day and my daughter told me she did PACE that day. I said, ‘Great, what did you notice?’ She shrugged her shoulders and gave me a sheepish grin and said, “It worked Mom. My head feels much clearer.” She then asked me for a balance and has been doing PACE daily and feeling very energized and clear headed…. so if you have a teen, who fobs you off your Brain Gym offers… just be patient… they will come around.

SY Instructor/Consultant & mother

Sport and Coordination and Ease of Movement

Hand-eye coordination improvements

My son Evan was never interested in ball sports, he did everything he could to avoid them. I was aware of the importance of gross motor development through my studies, so I persisted and attempted time and time again to engage him. We even tried different types of sports, from catching, throwing, and kicking, to golf, basketball, handball, and soccer. Yet every time, I saw resistance, a genuine dislike and at times complete avoidance. I could sense within him an underlying desire to play, but I could also see and feel the sadness, frustration and deflation of his constant ‘trying’, many games would end in tears. It pained me to watch his constant disappointment. One day while we were playing handball, I noticed that he had a great deal of overflow of movements. ‘Overflow’ movements are those that are not required to perform the task at hand. Therefore, they are an inefficient use of available physical and mental energy. His mouth or other hand would also move when attempting to hit the ball. He was having so many of these involuntary movements, no wonder he felt so frustrated and avoided playing. I began to realise the reason he did not want to play was because he genuinely found ball sports difficult as he was not in control of his body. I decided to do a Brain Gym® balance with him. He chose the goal ‘to be better at handball’. I thought this was a great goal to start with as many of his friends played handball at school and he felt left out. He chose a 3D repatterning movement sequence. After the balance was completed, I found myself excited and full of anticipation of what would transpire. Having experienced so many positive changes myself through Brain Gym® balances, I was full of hope and curiosity.My expectations were surpassed and the difference that one balance made was nothing short of remarkable. Today, you rarely see him without a ball. His favourite sports are handball, soccer, AFL, and cricket. He is sport mad!!! and plays morning, noon, and night…. inside, outside, wherever and whenever he can.  However, it wasn’t all about the sports. After the balance I had a child who was more comfortable in his own body, more confident outwardly and I have seen improvements that extended to all hand-eye and hand-foot coordination activities. I am forever grateful for Brain Gym® and the power it has to gently enhance a person’s natural potential, to make things easier. What more can we ask for?

AM, Instructor & mother

Hand-eye coordination

As a coach of a netball team I used Brain Gym® movements to assist the young players to improve their ability to catch the ball. After doing some of the movements, it was amazing to see the greater accuracy of  their passes and their improved confidence in there team work.

Coach: AR

Neck issues

Two Brain Gym® movements, The Thinking Cap and The Owl,  released the restrictive feeling in my neck when I turned my head.  What an easy way to have not only ease of movement, but also a greater range of movement in my neck.

Driver: HG

Better co-ordination and balance

My 17 year old son has only done Brain Gym® with me once and that was when he bought a uni cycle and was trying to ride it around the veranda of our house. He kept crashing & I said Brain Gym® could help. He crashed a few more times & said “Okay, what do I do?” We did pace. His patience was very short & that was all we did. He hopped on the unicycle, rode all the way around, back to where I was waiting, & said, “Did that really make me do that?” I said, “Sure did” and am patiently waiting for the next opportunity with him.


Better Aim

I had a 14 year old come in wanting a balance be able to shoot goals for his basketball team. He did his pre-activity to shoot his goal.with me being the distractor jumping about. I noticed that this little sponge ball that was in place of  the realthing kept hitting the ceiling and deflecting off …not into the little plastic ring on the door jam…the best I could supply at this short notice!!!   Also I noticed that he leaned his body forward a little off balance to shoot.  After a 7 dimensions balance and a Gravity balance, you should have seen the change of action!!!!!  No longer did he lean forward to shoot. He kinda squatted down using his knees…he was so grounded!!! Then shoot ….and would you believe….it didn’t hit the roof but went straight in this little plastic hoop!  Hmmmmmm …..he was cool….didn’t phase him. His mother arrived and he was off to my reminder to breathe when he went for his shots. I heard days later that he actually shot 4 goals that night. His mum said he usually passes them on to others.

NI  Instructor/Consultant

More confidence

My son has been after me to swing with him, but I don’t because it makes my stomach jump and my whole body cringe. I once did a DLR for it, but I needed more. Well I got on the swing, knowing that I still had some sort of vestibular issue, and it all started up again. I got off and checked my 3 dimensions. Then I went to our blanket, laid down and did the 3DR. After the 3DR, I got back on the swings and started swinging. It was better. However, as I got higher my stomach wanted to jump and my muscles cringe. So I held my Positive Points with one hand and the chain of the swing with the other, and breathed deeply. I kept swinging and I could feel the stomach jumping sensation release and the cringing muscles release. I continued and soon I was swinging as high as the bar, holding on with one hand and in perfect balance. I stopped swinging and checked the 3 dimensions. I got on the swing again and could swing as high as the bar with total ease for the first time in my 48 years.

GK  Instructor/Consultant