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Code of Ethics

All Brain Gym® Instructors and members of the Educational Kinesiology International Faculty agree to abide by the following tenets

Instructor Code of Ethics

All Brain Gym® Instructors and members of the Educational Kinesiology International Faculty agree to abide by the following tenets:

  • To follow an educational model that honors the inborn intelligence of each individual and draws out learning through natural movement experiences
  • To communicate with students and peers in a respectful manner
  • To honour confidentiality, the only exception to this being issues of child abuse, potential suicide, or the revelation that someone poses a threat to another (in many states these must by law be reported to appropriate authorities)
  • To orient to the process rather than to end results, focusing on students’ gifts and potential and using difficulties as a springboard to educate and empower
  • To foster constructive interactions by using a noticing model and avoiding any suggestion of blame
  • To abstain from labeling, treating, prescribing, or diagnosing
  • To respect the client’s or student’s personal responsibility and choices
  • To honour integrity in any interaction involving touch by maintaining appropriate professional boundaries, never violating trust through inappropriate intimacy
  • To honour equally the rights of all and maintain an appropriate neutrality regarding gender, creed, ethnicity, politics, education, or religion
  • To honour the thoughts and feelings that we see, sense, or hear spoken, as well as honoring information determined through muscle checking, recognizing that muscle checking provides information for the decision-making process yet does not preempt thinking and sensing
  • To be financially honest and fair in all areas of business
  • To acknowledge and celebrate any mental, emotional, or physical improvements as the student’s or client’s own

All Instructors and Consultants listed on this site are licensed professional members of Brain Gym® Australia and are bound to abide by the above Code Of Ethics. While all care is taken, no responsibility is accepted for individual practitioners conduct as independent entities.