Introductory Workshops

A brief introduction to the Brain Gym® program is available through workshops that can be tailored to your needs.

Introductory Workshops

Get a taste of the Brain Gym® program by attending an Introductory Brain Gym® workshop near you. You’ll gain information about the Brain Gym® movements, techniques, and theory.

Our Brain Gym® Instructors and Movement Facilitators are licensed to use the Brain Gym® material to develop and teach these workshops. As independent contractors they are able to create titles and content (within parameters), set up their own registration processes including fees and schedules and distribute certificates of attendance.

These workshops have not been reviewed and approved by Brain Gym® Australia, as such, while an instructor may distribute certificates of attendance, there is no licensure or re-licensure credit available through Brain Gym® Australia.

Brain Gym® Introductory Workshop

Date/Time: 30th April 2024 (7pm-8pm SA time)

Location: online with Zoom
Fee: Contact Heather for details.

A brief introduction to the  Brain Gym® Movements, for whole brain learning. Learn some of the 26 simple, effective movements for improving communication, organisation, focus/comprehension, reading, writing, maths and other academic and business skills. It is great for behaviour management, motivation & personal development. Learn practical skills for stress management. Feel the difference and PACE your life (Be Postive, Active, Clear, Energetic!)


Heather Gibbons
08 8768 2537 0407 978 335

Navigate NDIS for Brain Gym® Consultants

Date/Time: 19th April 2024 (12:30-2:30pm AEST)

Location: online
Fee: $250.00 (Repeat & updates for $125)

I have been working in my business full time, as a sole trader for four and a half years. During this time most of my work has been with National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants and personally navigating the field of NDIS with Brain Gym®. It has been a time-consuming, and at times, a frustrating journey. I would like to share my learnings with you, as I truly believe the work, we do is so very important for all individuals, including those with a disability.

This is a workshop for registered Brain Gym® consultants to help you navigate the NDIS so you can help vulnerable people of all ages and increase your own business.
2 hour Online training –

  • The session will cover:
    NDIS participant plan
  • NDIS terminology
  • What are the roles of a Plan Manager, Support Co-ordinator and Carer
  • Pricing and item numbers for consultants
  • Invoicing and charging
  • Writing a Service Agreement
  • Writing an annual NDIS review report
  • Under 7’s & NDIS
  • Participant’s NDIS goals

Please note this session will be recorded, please contact me if you would like a copy of the recording together with example reports.

 Book Here for the Navigating NDIS Training

Earn back the $250 fee for this training in the first two sessions with a new client.
This training is Tax deductable.

Repeat attendees $125.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, or for future workshop dates


Katharine King
0410 402 487